1. Avaje Validator

Bean validation via Avaje Validator.

1.1. Usage

1) Add the dependency:


2) Configure annotation processor


3) Install

import io.jooby.avaje.validator.AvajeValidatorModule;

  install(new AvajeValidatorModule());

4) Usage in MVC routes

import io.jooby.annotation.*;
import jakarta.validation.Valid;

public class Controller {

  public void validateBody(@Valid Bean bean) {                 (1)

  public void validateQuery(@Valid @QueryParam Bean bean) {    (2)

  public void validateList(@Valid List<Bean> beans) {          (3)

  public void validateMap(@Valid Map<String, Bean> beans) {    (4)
1 Validate a bean decoded from the request body
2 Validate a bean parsed from query parameters. This works the same for @FormParam or @BindParam
3 Validate a list of beans. This also applies to arrays @Valid Bean[] beans
4 Validate a map of beans

4) Usage in in script/lambda routes

import io.jooby.validation.BeanValidator;

  post("/validate", ctx -> {
    Bean bean = ctx.body(Bean.class);

BeanValidator.validate() behaves identically to validation in MVC routes. It also supports validating list, array, and map of beans.

There is a handler version of it, so you can apply per route:

import io.jooby.validation.BeanValidator.validate;

  post("/validate", validate(ctx -> {
    Bean bean = ctx.body(Bean.class);

1.2. Constraint Violations Rendering

AvajeValidatorModule provides default built-in error handler that catches ConstraintViolationException and transforms it into the following response:

  "title": "Validation failed",
  "status": 422,
  "errors": [
      "field": "firstName",
      "messages": [
        "must not be empty",
        "must not be null"
      "type": "FIELD"
      "field": null,
      "messages": [
        "passwords are not the same"
      "type": "GLOBAL"

It is possible to override the title and status code of the response above:

  install(new AvajeJsonbModule());
  install(new AvajeValidatorModule()
    .validationTitle("Incorrect input data")

If the default error handler doesn’t fully meet your needs, you can always disable it and provide your own:

  install(new AvajeJsonbModule());
  install(new AvajeValidatorModule().disableViolationHandler());

  error(ConstraintViolationException.class, new MyConstraintViolationHandler());

1.3. Manual Validation

The module exposes Validator as a service, allowing you to run validation manually at any time.

1.3.1. Script/lambda:

import io.avaje.validation.Validator;

  post("/validate", ctx -> {
    Validator validator = require(Validator.class);

1.3.2. MVC routes with dependency injection:

1) Install DI framework at first.

import io.jooby.avaje.validator.AvajeValidatorModule;

  install(AvajeInjectModule.of());                 (1)
  install(new AvajeValidatorModule());
1 Avaje is just an example, you can achieve the same with Dagger or Guice

2) Inject Validator in controller, service etc.

import io.avaje.validation.Validator;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;

public class Controller {

  private final Validator validator;

  public Controller(Validator validator) {
    this.validator = validator;

  public void validate(Bean bean) {
    Set<ConstraintViolation<Bean>> violations = validator.validate(bean);

1.4. Configuration

Any property defined at validation will be added automatically:

validation.fail_fast = true

Or programmatically:

import io.jooby.avaje.validator.AvajeValidatorModule;

  install(new AvajeValidatorModule().doWith(cfg -> {