1. jte

Jte Secure and speedy templates for Java and Kotlin.

1.1. Usage

1) Add the dependency:


2) Configure code generator

        <sourceDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/jte</sourceDirectory> <!-- This is the directory where your .jte files are located. -->
Complete code generator options are available here.

3) Write your templates inside the src/main/jte folder

@param String name

<p>Hello ${name}!</p>

4) Install and use jte templates

import io.jooby.jte.JteModule;

  install(new JteModule(Paths.of("src", "main", "jte")));         (1)

  get("/", ctx -> {
    return new ModelAndView("hello.jte", Map.of("name", "Jte"));  (2)
1 Install Jte Module
2 Returns a model and view

Jte is configured to in development mode when application.env is set to dev or test. Jte will put all the generated classes in src/main/jte/jte-classes.

In production will read the classes from classpath.

1.2. Options

1.2.1. Custom class directory

If you prefer a custom directory for compiled templates you need to do use:

install(new JteModule(Paths.of("src", "main", "jte"), Paths.of("compiled-templates")));

Also, you need to configure Maven or Gradle to generate templates classes:

        <sourceDirectory>src/main/jte</sourceDirectory> <!-- This is the directory where your .jte files are located. -->
        <targetDirectory>compiled-templates</targetDirectory> <!-- This is the directory where compiled templates are located. -->

You need to make sure to copy the compiled-templates folder as part of your deployment process. See using a directory on your server for more details.

1.2.2. Custom Engine

It is possible to provide your own/custom template engine:

var templateEngine = TemplateEngine.create(...) or TemplateEngine.createPrecompiled(..)
install(new JteModule(templateEngine));