1. Node

This module downloads/installs Node and NPM locally for your project. It uses the great Frontend library.

The goal of this module is to integrate a modern frontend with Jooby at development time.

1.1. Usage

1) Add the dependency:


2) Write package.json

  "name": "myapp",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "echo \"Default task\""         (1)

3) Install Npm

import io.jooby.node.NpmModule;

  install(new NpmModule("v12.16.1"));        (2)
1 Write a package.json and add a build task/script
2 Install Npm

Once you start the application two things happens:

  • Check for node v12.16.1. Download and Install if required.

  • Run the build task/script

If you prefer yarn just do install(new YarnModule("v12.16.1));

1.2. Custom task

The default task is build. To use a different task:

import io.jooby.node.NpmModule;

  install(new NpmModule("v12.16.1")
    .execute("run", "local")                 (1)
1 Run the local task/script

1.3. Long running process

There is a special execution mode required for long running process (like the webpack devserver) if you run your application using jooby run (maven or gradle).

When using jooby run your application automatically restart on code changes. If you have webpack devserver runninn every time Jooby restart your application a new webpack dev server will be started. To fix this, we provide a run once command.

install(new NpmModule("v12.16.1")
    .executeOnce("run", "webpack")

The executeOnce run once per JVM instance, so restarts don’t produces any side effect on it.

The module must be used only in development. In order to build a production version, you need to configure a build time process.

The Frontend maven plugin does this job for maven projects.

If you are a Gradle user, you might want to try the gradle-node-plugin.

1.4. Production Deploy

To create a production bundle we need to use the Frontend maven plugin. If you are a Gradle user, you might want to try the gradle-node-plugin.

1.4.1. Disabling

This module must be disabled while running in production. There are 3 ways of disabling it:

  • When package.json is missing from current directory: System.getProperty("user.dir)

  • Set npm.enabled = false in your application properties files (or yarn.enabled = false for YarnModule), or

  • Set application.env = prod or something else, except dev.

Any of these two properties turn of the module at runtime.

1.4.2. Packaging

To produce a production bundle add these lines to your pom.xml:


            <id>install node and npm</id>
              <nodeVersion>v12.16.1</nodeVersion>            (1)

            <id>npm install</id>
              <arguments>install</arguments>                 (2)

            <id>npm package</id>
              <arguments>run package</arguments>             (3)
1 Download and Install node if required (make sure version matches the one used by your application)
2 Run npm install
3 Run npm run package. The package task/script must exists in your package.json

If you are a Gradle user, you might want to try the gradle-node-plugin.