1. OpenAPI

This module helps automating the generation of API documentation using Jooby projects. jooby-openapi works by examining an application at build time to infer API semantics based on byte code and optional annotations.

Automatically generates documentation in JSON/YAML format APIs. This documentation can be completed by comments using swagger-api annotations.

This library supports:

1.1. Configuration


The default phase of the plugin execution is process-classes which means it will be executed on mvn jooby:run command and on hot reload. It may slow down hot reload process in case of large projects with a lot of code to process. To avoid this behaviour you can specify maven build phase which suits your needs better (e.g. prepare-package).

1.2. Usage

To learn how it works, let’s write a simple Pet API:

  install(new OpenAPIModule());        (1)

  path("/pets", () {                   (2)

    get("/", ctx -> {
      PetRepository repo = ...;
      return repo.list();

1 Install OpenAPIModule
2 Write your API

The OpenAPIModule read from classpath the generated json and yaml files. To generate them you need to build your project.

mvn clean package
./gradlew build

You will find the files in the output build directory. If your application is bar.Foo, then:


This is the main difference with previous version. We moved from runtime to build time generation. This way we:

  • Are able to get our OpenAPI files at build time (of course)

  • At runtime we don’t waste resources (CPU, memory) while analyze and build the OpenAPI model

  • We keep bootstrap as fast as possible

The OpenAPI generator works exactly the same for MVC routes (a.k.a Controller):

  install(new OpenAPIModule());

  mvc(new Pets());

public class Pets {

  public List<Pet> list() {


The Maven plugin and Gradle task provide two filter properties includes and excludes. These properties filter routes by their path pattern. The filter is a regular expression.

1.3. Annotations

To produces a better documentation this plugin depends on some OpenAPI annotations. To use them, you need to add a dependency to your project:


Once you added to your project, you can annotate your routes:

import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;

public class App extends Jooby {
    path("/pets", () -> {

      get("/{id}", this::findPetById)


      summary = "Find a pet by ID",
      description = "Find a pet by ID or throws a 404"
  public Pet findPetById(Context ctx) {
    PetRepo repo = require(PetRepo.class);
    long id = ctx.path("id").longValue();
    return repo.find(id);

The OpenAPI annotations complement the openAPI byte code parser by adding documentation or being more specific about a operation, parameter, response type, response status, etc.

Annotations works as documentation but also as a way to override what was generated by the byte code parser.

Annotations are supported at script routes (using the technique described before) and mvc routes.

If you look at the example, there is no documentation for path parameter: id, still this parameter is going to be present in the OpenAPI files (present, but without documentation).

To add documentation just do:

  summary = "Find a pet by ID",
  description = "Find a pet by ID or throws a 404",
  parameters = @Parameter(description = "Pet ID")

If the parameter annotation doesn’t specify a name, parameter binding follows a positional assignment.

1.3.1. OpenAPIDefinition

This annotation is supported at the application level:

    info = @Info(
        title = "Title",
        description = "description",
        termsOfService = "Terms",
        contact = @Contact(
            name = "Jooby",
            url = "https://jooby.io",
            email = "support@jooby.io"
        license = @License(
            name = "Apache",
            url = "https://jooby.io/LICENSE"
        version = "10"
    tags = @Tag(name = "mytag")
class App extends Jooby {
    // All routes now have the default tag: `Pets`

1.3.2. Tags

Tagging is supported at three different levels:

Application level
@Tag(name = "Pets", description = "Pet operations")
class App extends Jooby {
    // All routes now have the default tag: `Pets`
Controller level
@Tag(name = "Pets", description = "Pet operations")
class Pets {
  // All web method now have the default tag: `Pets`
Method level
@Tag(name = "Pets", description = "Pet operations")
public List<Pet> list(Context ctx) {

For multiple tags use the @Tags annotation or the tags property of @OpenAPIDefinition and/or @Operation annotations.

1.3.3. Responses & Status

The default response code is Success(200) (or NO_CONTENT(204) for DELETE mvc routes). Now, if you need to:

  • document the default response

  • use a custom response code

  • use multiple response codes

You need the ApiResponse annotation:

Document default response:
@ApiResponse(description = "This is the default response")
Use a custom response code:
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "201", description = "This is the default response")
Multiple response codes:
  @ApiResponse(description = "This is the default response"),
  @ApiResponse(responseCode = "500"),
  @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400"),
  @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404")

1.4. Documentation Template

The OpenAPI output generates some default values for info and server section. It generates the necessary to follow the specification and produces a valid output. These sections can be override with better information/metadata.

To do so just write an openapi.yaml file inside the conf directory the we are going to use it as template.

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: My Super API
  description: |
    Nunc commodo ipsum vitae dignissim congue. Quisque convallis malesuada tortor, non
    lacinia quam malesuada id. Curabitur nisi mi, lobortis non tempus vel, vestibulum et neque.

  version: "1.0"
    name: Apache 2.0
    url: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html

All sections from template file (except the paths section) are merged into the final output.

Keep in mind that any section found here in the template overrides existing metadata.

1.5. Swagger UI

To use swagger-ui just add the dependency to your project:


The swagger-ui application will be available at /swagger. To modify the default path, just call swaggerUI(String)

1.6. Redoc

To use redoc just add the dependency to your project:


The redoc application will be available at /redoc. To modify the default path, just call redoc(String)