1. Packaging

This section describes some packaging and distribution options.

1.1. Single jar

This is the default deployment option where you create a single jar (a.k.a fat/uber jar) for your application.

The jooby-cli takes care of configures everything for single jar distribution. Next example shows how to do it in case you created your application manually.

                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

Maven users:

mvn clean package

Gradle users:

./gradlew shadowJar

1.2. Stork

Stork is packaging, launch and deploy tool for Java apps.

Stork is only available for Maven projects

To configure stork:

1) Creates a src/etc/stork/stork.yml file (file location is important):

# Name of application (make sure it has no spaces)
name: "${project.artifactId}"

# Display name of application (can have spaces)
display_name: "${project.name}"

# Type of launcher (CONSOLE or DAEMON)
type: DAEMON

# Java class to run
main_class: "${application.class}"

domain: "${project.groupId}"

short_description: "${project.artifactId}"

# Platform launchers to generate (WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC_OSX)
# Linux launcher is suitable for Bourne shells (e.g. Linux/BSD)
platforms: [ LINUX ]

# Working directory for app
# RETAIN will not change the working directory
# APP_HOME will change the working directory to the home of the app
# (where it was intalled) before running the main class
working_dir_mode: RETAIN

# Minimum version of java required (system will be searched for acceptable jvm)
min_java_version: "1.8"

# Min/max fixed memory (measured in MB)
min_java_memory: 512
max_java_memory: 512

# Min/max memory by percentage of system
#min_java_memory_pct: 10
#max_java_memory_pct: 20

# Try to create a symbolic link to java executable in <app_home>/run with
# the name of "<app_name>-java" so that commands like "ps" will make it
# easier to find your app
symlink_java: true

2) Configure Maven Tiles plugin:


3) Run mvn package

Stork zip file will be available in the target directory.