

CRaSH remote shell: connect and monitor JVM resources via HTTP, SSH or telnet.</a>




import org.jooby.crash;

  use(new Crash());

Just drop your commands in the cmd folder and CRaSH will pick up all them.

Now let’s see how to connect and interact with the CRaSH shell.


HTTP connector

The HTTP connector is a simple yet powerful collection of HTTP endpoints where you can run a CRaSH command:

  use(new Crash()

Try it:

GET /api/shell/thread/ls


GET /api/shell/thread ls

The connector is listening at /api/shell. If you want to mount the connector some where else just set the property: crash.httpshell.path.

SSH connector

Just add the crash.connectors.ssh dependency to your project.

Try it:

ssh -p 2000 admin@localhost

Default user and password is: admin. See how to provide a custom authentication plugin.

telnet connector

Just add the crash.connectors.telnet dependency to your project.

Try it:

telnet localhost 5000

Checkout complete telnet connector configuration.

web connector

Just add the crash.connectors.web dependency to your project.

Try it:

GET /shell

A web shell console will be ready to go at /shell. If you want to mount the connector some where else just set the property: crash.webshell.path.


You can write additional shell commands using Groovy or Java, see the CRaSH documentation for details. CRaSH search for commands in the cmd folder.

Here is a simple ‘hello’ command that could be loaded from cmd/hello.groovy folder:

package commands

import org.crsh.cli.Command
import org.crsh.cli.Usage
import org.crsh.command.InvocationContext

class hello {

  @Usage("Say Hello")
  def main(InvocationContext context) {
    return "Hello"

Jooby adds some additional attributes and commands to InvocationContext that you can access from your command:

  • registry: Access to Registry.
  • conf: Access to Config.


package commands

import org.crsh.cli.Command
import org.crsh.cli.Usage
import org.crsh.command.InvocationContext

class HelloMyService {

  def execute(InvocationContext context) {
    def registry = context.registry

    return registry.require(MySerivce.class).doSomething()

routes command

The routes print all the application routes.

dev> routes
order method pattern             consumes produces name       source
0     GET    /shell/css/**       [*/*]    [*/*]    /anonymous org.jooby.crash.WebShellPlugin:41
0     GET    /shell/js/**        [*/*]    [*/*]    /anonymous org.jooby.crash.WebShellPlugin:42
0     GET    /shell              [*/*]    [*/*]    /anonymous org.jooby.crash.WebShellPlugin:45
0     GET    /api/shell/{cmd:.*} [*/*]    [*/*]    /anonymous org.jooby.crash.HttpShellPlugin:43
0     *      {before}/path       [*/*]    [*/*]    /anonymous app.CrashApp:21
0     *      {after}/path        [*/*]    [*/*]    /anonymous app.CrashApp:24
0     *      {complete}/path     [*/*]    [*/*]    /anonymous app.CrashApp:28
0     GET    /                   [*/*]    [*/*]    /anonymous app.CrashApp:31

method pattern consumes         produces
WS     /shell  application/json application/json

conf command

The conf tree print the application configuration tree (configuration precedence):

dev> conf tree
 merge of system properties
  org/jooby/crash/crash.conf @ file:/jooby-crash/target/classes/org/jooby/crash/crash.conf
   org/jooby/spi/server.conf @ file:/jooby-netty/target/classes/org/jooby/spi/server.conf
    org/jooby/ @ file:/jooby/target/classes/org/jooby/
     org/jooby/jooby.conf @ file:/jooby/target/classes/org/jooby/jooby.conf: 1

The conf props [path] print all the application properties, sub-tree or a single property if path argument is present.

dev> conf props
name                                   value
mime.pgn                               application/x-chess-pgn
os.version                             10.11.6
mime.ttf                               font/truetype      404
mime.wtls-ca-certificate               application/vnd.wap.wtls-ca-certificate
mime.texinfo                           application/x-texinfo
runtime.concurrencyLevel               8
dev> conf props application
name                       value
application.tmpdir         /var/folders/9l/fyb_j4l553z6ql4443yttbj40000gn/T/app
application.version        0.0.0
application.ns             app
application.port           8080
application.charset        UTF-8
application.class          app.CrashApp             America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
application.numberFormat   #,##0.###
application.dateFormat     dd-MMM-yyyy
application.env            dev           localhost           app
application.path           /
application.lang           en-US
dev> conf props application.port
name             value
application.port 8080

fancy banner

Just add the jooby-banner to your project and all the CRaSH shell will use it.

  use(new Banner("crash me!"));

  use(new Crash());
telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
_____                        _____
__________________ __________  /_       ______ ___ ____ __  /
  ___/_  ___/  __ `/_  ___/_  __ \      _  __ `__ \  _ \_  / 
 /__    /     /_/ / (__  )   / / /        / / / / /  __//_/  
___/  _/     __,_/  ____/  _/ /_/       _/ /_/ /_/ ___/ _) v0.0.0


Simple and easy!!