

Coverity Security Library (CSL) is a lightweight set of escaping routines for fixing cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and other security defects in Java web applications




  • html escaper: HTML entity escaping for text content and attributes.
  • htmlText escaper: Faster HTML entity escaping for tag content or quoted attributes values only.
  • js escaper: JavaScript String Unicode escaper.
  • jsRegex escaper: JavaScript regex content escaper.
  • css escaper: CSS String escaper.
  • uri escaper: URI encoder.


  use(new XSS());

  post("/", req -> {

    String safeHtml = req.param("text", "html").value();


Nested context are supported by providing multiple encoders:

  use(new XSS());

  post("/", req -> {

    String safeHtml = req.param("text", "js", "html", "uri").value();


Encoders run in the order they are provided.

If you want to learn more about nested context and why they are important have a look at this nice guide from coverity-security-library.