

jade4j’s intention is to be able to process jade templates in Java without the need of a JavaScript environment, while being fully compatible with the original jade syntax.





  use(new Jade());

  get("/", req -> Results.html("index").put("model", new MyModel());

  // or via API
  get("/jade-api", req -> {
    JadeConfiguration jade = require(JadeConfiguration.class);
    JadeTemplate template = jade.getTemplate("index");


Templates are loaded from root of classpath: / and must ends with: .jade file extension.

request locals

A template engine has access to request locals (a.k.a attributes). Here is an example:

  use(new Jade());

  get("*", req -> {
    req.set("foo", bar);

Then from template:


template loader

Templates are loaded from the root of classpath and must ends with .jade. Using a custom file extension:

  use(new Jade(".html"));

Default file extension is: .jade.

template cache

Cache is OFF when application.env = dev (useful for template reloading), otherwise is ON and does not expire, unless you explicitly set jade.caching.

pretty print

Pretty print is on when application.env = dev, otherwise is off, unless unless you explicitly set jade.prettyprint.