

Production-ready jdbc data source, powered by the HikariCP library.


  • DataSource




Via connection string property:

  use(new Jdbc("jdbc:mysql://localhost/db"));

  // accessing to the data source
  get("/my-api", req -> {
    DataSource db = require(DataSource.class);
    // do something with datasource

Via db property:

  use(new Jdbc("db"));

  // accessing to the data source
  get("/my-api", req -> {
    DataSource db = require(DataSource.class);
    // do something with datasource

Or :

public class Service {

   public Service(DataSource ds) {


Database configuration is controlled from your application.conf file using the db properties.


db = mem

Mem db is implemented with h2 database, before using it make sure to add the h2 dependency to your pom.xml:


Mem db is useful for dev environment and/or transient data that can be regenerated.


db = fs

File system db is implemented with h2 database, before using it make sure to add the h2 dependency to your pom.xml:


File system db is useful for dev environment and/or transient data that can be regenerated. Keep in mind this db is saved in a tmp directory and db will be deleted it on OS restart.


Connect to a database using a jdbc url, some examples here:

# mysql 
db.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydb
db.user = myuser
db.password = password

Previous example, show you how to connect to mysql, setting user and password. But of course you need the jdbc driver on your pom.xml:


hikari configuration

If you need to configure or tweak the hikari pool just add hikari.* entries to your application.conf file:

db.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydb
db.user = myuser
db.password = password
db.cachePrepStmts = true

# hikari 
hikari.autoCommit = true
hikari.maximumPoolSize = 20

# etc... 

Also, all the db.* properties are converted to dataSource.* to let hikari configurer the target jdbc connection.

multiple connections

It is pretty simple to configure two or more db connections in jooby.

Let’s suppose we have a main database and an audit database for tracking changes:

  use(new Jdbc("db.main")); // main database
  use(new Jdbc("db.audit")); // audit database


# main database 
db.main.url = ...
db.main.password = ...

# audit 
db.audit.url = ....
db.audit.user = ....
db.audit.password = ....

Same principle applies if you need to tweak hikari per database:

# max pool size for main db 
db.main.hikari.maximumPoolSize = 100

# max pool size for audit db 
db.audit.hikari.maximumPoolSize = 20

The first registered database is the default database. The second database is accessible by name and type:

  use(new Jdbc("db.main"));
  use(new Jdbc("db.audit"));

  get("/db", req -> {
    DataSource maindb = require(DataSource.class);
    DataSource auditdb = require("db.audit", DataSource.class);
    // ...

or via @Inject annotation:

public class Service {

  public Service(DataSource maindb, @Named("db.audit") DataSource auditdb) {
    // ...


These are the default properties for jdbc:

# Jdbc defaults 
databases {

  # connection templates 
  mem {

    dataSource.url = "jdbc:h2:mem:{mem.seed};DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"

    dataSource.user = sa

    dataSource.password = ""


  fs {

    dataSource.url = "jdbc:h2:"${application.tmpdir}/${application.name}

    dataSource.user = sa

    dataSource.password = ""


  # derby 
  # url => jdbc:derby:${db};create=true 
  derby {

    dataSourceClassName = org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource


  # db2 
  # url => jdbc:db2:// 
  db2 {

    dataSourceClassName = com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2SimpleDataSource


  # h2 
  # url => mem, fs or jdbc:h2:${db} 
  h2 {

    dataSourceClassName = org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource


  # hsqldb 
  # url => jdbc:hsqldb:file:${db} 
  hsqldb {

    dataSourceClassName = org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDataSource


  # mariadb 
  # url jdbc:mariadb://<host>:<port>/<database>?<key1>=<value1>&<key2>=<value2>... 
  mariadb {

    dataSourceClassName = org.mariadb.jdbc.MySQLDataSource


  # mysql 
  # url jdbc:mysql://<host>:<port>/<database>?<key1>=<value1>&<key2>=<value2>... 
  mysql: [{

    # v6.x 
    dataSourceClassName = com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlDataSource

  }, {

    # v5.x 
    dataSourceClassName = com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource

    dataSource.encoding = ${application.charset}

    dataSource.cachePrepStmts = true

    dataSource.prepStmtCacheSize = 250

    dataSource.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit = 2048

    dataSource.useServerPrepStmts = true


  # sqlserver 
  # url => jdbc:sqlserver://[serverName[\instanceName][:portNumber]][;property=value[;property=value]] 
  sqlserver {

    dataSourceClassName = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDataSource


  # oracle 
  # url => jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/<service_name> 
  oracle {

    dataSourceClassName = oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource


  # pgjdbc-ng 
  # url => jdbc:pgsql://<server>[:<port>]/<database> 
  pgsql {

    dataSourceClassName = com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGDataSourceWithUrl


  # postgresql 
  # url => jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database 
  postgresql {

    dataSourceClassName = org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource


  # sybase 
  # url => jdbc:jtds:sybase://<host>[:<port>][/<database_name>] 
  sybase {

    dataSourceClassName = com.sybase.jdbcx.SybDataSource


  # firebird 
  # jdbc:firebirdsql:host[/port]:<database> 
  firebirdsql {

    dataSourceClassName = org.firebirdsql.pool.FBSimpleDataSource


  # sqlite 
  # jdbc:sqlite:${db} 
  sqlite {

    dataSourceClassName = org.sqlite.SQLiteDataSource


  # log4jdbc 
  # jdbc:log4jdbc:${dbtype}:${db} 
  log4jdbc {

    driverClassName = net.sf.log4jdbc.DriverSpy



# hikari.maximumPoolSize = Math.max(10, ${runtime.processors-x2})