

Querydsl unified Queries for Java. Querydsl is compact, safe and easy to learn.

This module provides JPA integration.

NOTE: this module doesn’t provide JPA support to your application. Check out the hbm module for JPA support.


  • Create a querydsl-jpa.activator file in the src/etc/ directory.

  • Open a terminal and type: mvn clean compile

  • Generated classes will be placed inside the target/generated-sources directory.

Of course, you need to define some entities and have JPA in your classpath. The hibernate module gives you JPA support.

profile activation

Just create a src/etc/querydsl-jpa.activator file. The file contents doesn’t matter, it just needs to be present.

The file src/etc/querydsl-jpa.activator will trigger a maven profile that does all this for you.


Here is an example with hibernate:

  • Source code:

import org.jooby.hbm.Hbm;

class App extends Jooby {
    // configure Hbm
    use(new Hbm(Pet.class));

package domain;

class Pet {
  private int id;

  private String name;

  • Write the src/etc/querydsl-jpa.activator file.

  • Open a console and type: mvn clean compile

  • Find the generated source code at: target/generated-sources

  • Using JPAQuery:

import static domain.QPet.pet;
import com.querydsl.jpa.impl.JPAQuery;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

  // configure Hbm
  use(new Hbm(Pet.class));

  get("/pets/:name", req -> {
    String name = req.param("name").value();
    EntityManager em = require(EntityManager.class);

    return new JPAQuery(em)

Querydsl will find all your entities (classes annotated with @Entity) and generates a class with the same name, but prefixed with Q, like QPet.