

Undertow is a flexible performant web server written in java, providing both blocking and non-blocking API’s based on NIO.


  • Server




In order to use a web server all you have to do is add the dependency to your build system.


HTTP/2 is fully supported:

| H2        | H2C           | PUSH  |
| --------- | ------------- | ----- |
| Yes       | Yes           | Yes   |

You need Java 8 Update 71 or higher (integration tests uses Java 8 Update 101).

See Java 8 releases for more details.


These are the default properties for undertow:

# undertow defaults 
server.module = org.jooby.undertow.Undertow

server.http2.cleartext = true

undertow {

  bufferSize = ${server.http.ResponseBufferSize}

  workerThreads = ${server.threads.Max}

  # Waits a set length of time for the handler to shut down. It provides a way to prevent the server 
  # from accepting new requests, and wait for existing requests to complete 
  awaitShutdown = 1000

  server {



    # The maximum size in bytes of a http request header. 
    MAX_HEADER_SIZE = ${server.http.HeaderSize}

    # The default maximum size of the HTTP entity body. 
    MAX_ENTITY_SIZE = ${server.http.MaxRequestSize}

    # The maximum number of parameters that will be parsed. This is used to protect against hash 
    # vulnerabilities. 
    # This applies to both query parameters, and to POST data, but is not cumulative 
    # (i.e. you can potentially have max parameters * 2 total parameters). 

    # The maximum number of headers that will be parsed. This is used to protect against hash 
    # vulnerabilities. 
    MAX_HEADERS = 200

    # The maximum number of headers that will be parsed. This is used to protect against hash 
    # vulnerabilities. 
    MAX_COOKIES = 200

    URL_CHARSET = ${application.charset}

    # If this is true then the parser will decode the URL and query parameters using the selected 
    # character encoding (URL_CHARSET by default). If this is false they will not be decoded. 
    # This will allow a later handler to decode them into whatever charset is desired. 
    DECODE_URL = true

    # The idle timeout in milliseconds after which the channel will be closed. 
    # If the underlying channel already has a read or write timeout set the smaller of the two values will be used 
    # for read/write timeouts. 
    IDLE_TIMEOUT = ${server.http.IdleTimeout}


  worker {

    WORKER_NAME = utow


  socket {

    BACKLOG = 1024


  ws {

    # The maximum size of a text message during parsing/generating. 
    MaxTextBufferSize = ${server.ws.MaxTextMessageSize}

    # The maximum size of a binary message during parsing/generating. 
    MaxBinaryBufferSize = ${server.ws.MaxBinaryMessageSize}

    # The time in ms (milliseconds) that a websocket may be idle before closing. 
    IdleTimeout = ${server.ws.IdleTimeout}

