

Evolve your database schema easily and reliably across all your instances.

This module run Flyway on startup and apply database migrations.

NOTE: This module depends on jdbc module to acquire a database connection.




  use(new Jdbc());

  use(new Flywaydb());

If for any reason you need to maintain two or more databases:

  use(new Jdbc("db1"));
  use(new Flywaydb("db1"));

  use(new Jdbc("db2"));
  use(new Flywaydb("db2"));

migration scripts

Flyway looks for migration scripts at the db/migration classpath location. We recommend to use Semantic versioning for naming the migration scripts:



It is possible to run Flyway commands on startup, default command is: migrate.

If you need to run multiple commands, set the property: = [clean, migrate, validate, info]


Configuration is done via application.conf under the flyway.* path. There are some defaults setting that you can see in the appendix section.

For more information, please visit the Flyway site.


These are the default properties for flyway:

# Copyright 2010-2015 Axel Fontaine 
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
# You may obtain a copy of the License at 
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
# limitations under the License. 
# If present, flyway will run as standalone on application startup. Otherwise, it depends on a DataSource provided by Jdbc module (usally) 
# flyway.url= 
# list of commands to run on startup = [migrate]

# Fully qualified classname of the jdbc driver (autodetected by default based on flyway.url) 
# flyway.driver= 
# User to use to connect to the database (default: <<null>>) 
# flyway.user= 
# Password to use to connect to the database (default: <<null>>) 
# flyway.password= 
# List of schemas managed by Flyway. These schema names are case-sensitive. 
# (default: The default schema for the datasource connection) 
# Consequences: 
# - The first schema in the list will be automatically set as the default one during the migration. 
# - The first schema in the list will also be the one containing the metadata table. 
# - The schemas will be cleaned in the order of this list. 
# flyway.schemas= 
# Name of Flyway's metadata table (default: schema_version) 
# By default (single-schema mode) the metadata table is placed in the default schema for the connection provided by the datasource. 
# When the flyway.schemas property is set (multi-schema mode), the metadata table is placed in the first schema of the list. 
# flyway.table= 
# List of locations to scan recursively for migrations. 
# The location type is determined by its prefix. 
# Unprefixed locations or locations starting with classpath: point to a package on the classpath and may contain both sql and java-based migrations. 
# Locations starting with filesystem: point to a directory on the filesystem and may only contain sql migrations. 
flyway.locations= [db/migration]

# List of fully qualified class names of custom MigrationResolver to use for resolving migrations. 
# flyway.resolvers= 
# File name prefix for Sql migrations (default: v ) 
# Sql migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , 
# which using the defaults translates to V1_1__My_description.sql 

# File name separator for Sql migrations (default: _) 
# Sql migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , 
# which using the defaults translates to V1_1__My_description.sql 

# File name suffix for Sql migrations (default: .sql) 
# Sql migrations have the following file name structure: prefixVERSIONseparatorDESCRIPTIONsuffix , 
# which using the defaults translates to V1_1__My_description.sql 
# flyway.sqlMigrationSuffix= 
# Encoding of Sql migrations (default: UTF-8) 

# Whether placeholders should be replaced. (default: true) 
# flyway.placeholderReplacement= 
# Placeholders to replace in Sql migrations 
# flyway.placeholders.user= 
# flyway.placeholders.my_other_placeholder= 
# Prefix of every placeholder (default: ${ ) 
# flyway.placeholderPrefix= 
# Suffix of every placeholder (default: } ) 
# flyway.placeholderSuffix= 
# Target version up to which Flyway should consider migrations. 
# The special value 'current' designates the current version of the schema. (default: <<latest version>>) 
# Whether to automatically call validate or not when running migrate. (default: true) 
# flyway.validateOnMigrate= 
# Whether to automatically call clean or not when a validation error occurs. (default: false) 
# This is exclusively intended as a convenience for development. Even tough we 
# strongly recommend not to change migration scripts once they have been checked into SCM and run, this provides a 
# way of dealing with this case in a smooth manner. The database will be wiped clean automatically, ensuring that 
# the next migration will bring you back to the state checked into SCM. 
# Warning ! Do not enable in production ! 
# flyway.cleanOnValidationError= 
# The version to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline. (default: 1) 
# flyway.baselineVersion= 
# The description to tag an existing schema with when executing baseline. (default: << Flyway Baseline >>) 
# flyway.baselineDescription= 
# Whether to automatically call baseline when migrate is executed against a non-empty schema with no metadata table. 
# This schema will then be initialized with the baselineVersion before executing the migrations. 
# Only migrations above baselineVersion will then be applied. 
# This is useful for initial Flyway production deployments on projects with an existing DB. 
# Be careful when enabling this as it removes the safety net that ensures 
# Flyway does not migrate the wrong database in case of a configuration mistake! (default: false) 
# flyway.baselineOnMigrate= 
# Allows migrations to be run "out of order" (default: false). 
# If you already have versions 1 and 3 applied, and now a version 2 is found, 
# it will be applied too instead of being ignored. 
# flyway.outOfOrder= 
# This allows you to tie in custom code and logic to the Flyway lifecycle notifications (default: empty). 
# Set this to a comma-separated list of fully qualified FlywayCallback class name implementations 
# flyway.callbacks=