

Jdbi provides a convenience interface for SQL operations in Java.

NOTE: This module depends on jdbc module.


  • A Jdbi object




  use(new Jdbc());

  use(new Jdbi3());

  get("/pets", () -> {
    Jdbi jdbi = require(Jdbi.class);
    return jdbi.withHandle(handle -> {
      // work with handle
      return ...;

transaction per request

  use(new Jdbc());

  use(new Jdbi3()

  get("/pets", () -> {
    // This code run inside a transaction
    Handle handle = require(Handle.class);
    // work with handle
    return ...;

The transactionPerRequest() opens a Handle then start, commit/rollback a transaction and finally close a Handle.

The Handle is accessible via require call inside a route handler:

  get("/pets", () -> {
    // This code run inside a transaction
    Handle handle = require(Handle.class);
    // work with handle
    return ...;

You can optionally name the Handle:

  use(new Jdbi3()
      .transactionPerRequest(new TransactionalRequest()

  get("/pets", () -> {
    // This code run inside a transaction
    Handle handle = require("trxPerReq", Handle.class);
    // work with handle
    return ...;


You can attach SqlObjects to the transaction per request Handle:

  use(new Jdbi3()
      .transactionPerRequest(new TransactionalRequest()

  get("/pets", () -> {
    // Now you can request a pet repository:
    PetRepository petRepo = require(PetRepository.class);
    // work with petRepo
    return ...;

multiple database connections

  use(new Jdbc("main"));
  use(new Jdbi3("main"));

  use(new Jdbc("audit"));
  use(new Jdbi3("audit"));

  get("/", () -> {
    Jdbi main = require("main", Jdbi.class);
    Jdbi audit = require("audit", Jdbi.class);



Configuration is done via configuration callback:

  use(new Jdbc());

  use(new Jdbi3().doWith(jdbi -> {
    jdbi.installPlugin(new SqlObjectPlugin());

starter project

We do provide a jdbi-starter project. Go and fork it.

That’s all folks!!