jOOQ generates Java code from your database and lets you build type safe SQL queries through its fluent API.

NOTE: This module depends on jdbc module.


  • DSLContext




  use(new Jdbc());
  use(new jOOQ());

  get("/jooq", req -> {

    try (DSLContext ctx = require(DSLContext.class)) {
      return ctx.transactionResult(conf -> {
        DSLContext trx = DSL.using(conf);
        return trx.selectFrom(TABLE)


multiple db connections

  use(new Jdbc("db.main"));
  use(new jOOQ("db.main"));

  use(new Jdbc("db.audit"));
  use(new jOOQ("db.audit"));

  get("/main", req -> {

    try (DSLContext ctx = require("db.main", DSLContext.class)) {

  get("/audit", req -> {

    try (DSLContext ctx = require("db.audit", DSLContext.class)) {


advanced configuration

This module setup a Configuration object with a DataSource from jdbc module and the DefaultTransactionProvider. More advanced configuration is provided via #doWith(BiConsumer):

  use(new Jdbc());
  use(new jOOQ().doWith(conf -> {



code generation

Unfortunately, this module doesn’t provide any built-in facility for code generation. If you need help to setup the code generator please checkout the jOOQ documentation for more information.