

SQL abstraction provided by QueryDSL using plain JDBC underneath.

NOTE: This module depends on jdbc module.


  • SQLQueryFactory




import org.jooby.querydsl.QueryDSL;
  use(new Jdbc());
  use(new QueryDSL());

  get("/my-api", req -> {

    SQLQueryFactory queryFactory = require(SQLQueryFactory.class);
    // Do something with the database



Dialect is detected automatically and usually you don’t need to do anything. But if the default dialect detector doesn’t work and/or you have a custom dialect:

  use(new Jdbc());
  use(new QueryDSL().with(new MyCustomTemplates());

multiple databases

import org.jooby.querydsl.QueryDSL;
  use(new Jdbc("db.main"));
  use(new QueryDSL("db.main"));

  use(new Jdbc("db.aux"));
  use(new QueryDSL("db.aux"));

  get("/my-api", req -> {
    SQLQueryFactory queryFactory = require("db.main", SQLQueryFactory.class);
    // Do something with the database

advanced configuration

This module builds QueryDSL SQLQueryFactories on top of a default Configuration object, a SQLTemplates instance and a javax.sql.DataSource from the jdbc module.

Advanced configuration can be added by invoking the doWith method, adding your own settings to the configuration.

  use(new Jdbc());
  use(new QueryDSL().doWith(conf -> {

code generation

This module does not provide code generation for DB mapping classes. To learn how to create QueryDSL mapping classes using Maven, please consult the QueryDSL documentation.