thread model

thread model

You can see Jooby as an event loop server thanks to the supported web servers: Netty, Jetty and Undertow. The default web server is Netty.

Jooby isn’t a traditional thread server where a HTTP request is bound to a thread.

In Jooby all the HTTP IO operations are performed in async & non blocking fashion. HTTP IO operations run in an IO thread (a.k.a event loop) while the application logic (your code) always run in a worker thread.

worker threads

The worker thread pool is provided by one of the supported web servers: Netty, Jetty or Undertow. To simplify application programming you can block a worker thread, for example you can safely run a jdbc query in a worker thread:

  get("/search-db", () -> {
    try(Connection db = require(Connection.class)) {
      try(Statement stt = db.createStatement()) {

The web server can accept as many connections it can (as its on non blocking) while the worker thread might block.

The default worker thread pool is 20/100. The optimal size depends on the business and work load your application is supposed to handle. It’s recommended to start with the default setup and then tune the size of the thread pool if the need arises.

Jooby favors simplicity over complexity hence allowing your code to block. However, it also provides you with more advanced options that will allow you to build async and reactive applications.


Async processing is achieved via: deferred result, with a deferred result an application can produces a result from a thread of its choice:

Script API:

  get("/async", deferred(() -> {
    return ...;


  public Deferred async() {
    return Deferred.deferred(() -> {
      return ...;

The previous examples are just syntactic sugar for:

  return new Deferred(deferred -> {
     try {
     } catch (Throwable x) {

You can get more syntactic sugar if you add the AsyncMapper to your application:

Script API:

  map(new AsyncMapper());
   get("/async", () -> {
     Callable<String> callable = () -> {
       return ...;
    return callable;


  public Callable<String> async() {
    return () -> {
      return ...;

The AsyncMapper converts java.util.concurrent.Callable and java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture objects to deferred objects.

Another important thing to notice is that the deferred will run in the caller thread (i.e. worker thread), so by default there is no context switch involved in obtaining a deferred result:

  get("/async", () -> {
    String callerThread = Thread.current().getName();
    return Deferred.deferred(() -> {
      assertEquals(callerThread, Thread.current().getName());
      return ...;

This might not seem optimal at first, but there are some benefits to this:

  • It makes it very easy to set up a default executor (this will be explained shortly)

  • It provides better integration with async & reactive libraries. A direct executor avoids the need of switching to a new thread and then probably dispatch (again) to a different thread provided by a library.


As previously mentioned, the default executor runs in the caller thread (a.k.a direct executor). Let’s see how to override the default executor:

  executor(new ForkJoinPool());

  get("/async", deferred(() -> {
    return ...;

Done! Now all our deferred results run in a ForkJoinPool. It’s also possible to specify an alternative executor:

Script API:

  executor(new ForkJoinPool());

  executor("jdbc", Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10));

  get("/", deferred(() -> {
    return ...;

  get("/db", deferred("jdbc", () -> {
    return ...;


import static org.jooby.Deferred.deferred;

  public Deferred home() {
    return deferred(() -> {
      return ...;

  public Deferred db() {
    return deferred("jdbc", () -> {
      return ...;

It’s worth mentioning that the executor(ExecutorService) methods automatically shutdown at application shutdown time.


The deferred contains two useful methods:

These two methods allow you to use a deferred object as a promise:

Script API:

  get("/", promise(deferred -> {
    try {
    } catch (Throwable x) {


  public Deferred promise() {
    return new Deferred(deferred -> {
      try {
      } catch (Throwable x) {

The “promise” version of the deferred object is a key concept for integrating with external libraries.

advanced configuration

Suppose you want to build a truly async application and after a deep analysis of your business demands you realize your application needs to:

  • Access a database
  • Call a remote service
  • Make a CPU intensive computation

These are the 3 points where your application is supposed to block and wait for a result.

Let’s start by reducing the worker thread pool to the number of available processors:

server.threads.Min = ${runtime.processors}
server.threads.Max = ${runtime.processors}

With this change, you need to be careful to avoid any blocking code on routes, otherwise performance will suffer.

Let’s create a custom thread pool for each blocking access:

  executor("db", Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
  executor("remote", Executors.newFixedThreadPool(32));
  executor("intensive", Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor());

For database access, we use a cached executor which will grow without a limit but free and release threads that are idle after 60s.

For remote service, we use a fixed executor of 32 threads. The number 32 is just a random number for the purpose of the example.

For intensive computations, we use a single thread executor. Computation is too expensive and we want one and only one running at any time.

  executor("db", Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
  executor("remote", Executors.newFixedThreadPool(32));
  executor("intensive", Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor());

  get("/nonblocking", () -> "I'm nonblocking");

  get("/list", deferred("db", () -> {
    Database db = require(Database.class);
    return db.fetch();
  get("/remote", deferred("remote", () -> {
    RemoteService rs = require(RemoteService.class);

  get("/compute", deferred("intensive", () -> {
    return someCPUIntensiveTask();

Here’s the same example with rx java:

  get("/nonblocking", () -> "I'm nonblocking");

  get("/list", deferred(() -> {
    Database db = require(Database.class);
    Observable.<List<String>> create(s -> {
      .subscribe(deferred::resolve, deferred::reject);

  get("/remote", deferred(() -> {
    RemoteService rs = require(RemoteService.class);
    Observable.<List<String>> create(s -> {
      .subscribe(deferred::resolve, deferred::reject);
  get("/compute", deferred(() -> {
    Observable.<List<String>> create(s -> {
      .subscribe(deferred::resolve, deferred::reject);

The main differences are:

  • the default executor is kept direct. No new thread is created and context switching is avoided.
  • the deferred object is used as a promise and integrate with rx java.
  • different thread pool semantics is achieved with the help of rx schedulers.

This is just another example to demonstrate the value of the deferred object, since a rxjava module is provided which takes care of binding the deferred object into Observables.

That sums up everything about the deferred object. It allows you to build async and reactive applications and at the same time: keep it simple (a Jooby design goal).

You’re also invited to check out the available async/reactive modules.



  • akka: build concurrent & distributed applications via akka.


  • executor: async processing via Java Executors



  • rx: build reactive web applications via rxjava

  • rxjdbc: efficient execution, concise code, and functional composition of database calls using JDBC and RxJava Observable


  • quartz: advanced job scheduling via {{quartz}}.